Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Botswana Meat Commission

The Botswana Meat Commission (BMC), a cooperative established in 1967 and owned by farmers, is the official exporter of Botswana beef. The BMC is the sole exporter of lean beef which features prominently in markets throughout the world particularly the European Union. With a monopoly over the export of both live cattle and beef products, the commission has achieved an excellent reputation for quality. The facility is certified to the ISO 9002 quality system throughout its processes, which guarantees production of quality beef.
Quality Beef
BMC also sells products directly to retailers in the local market and currently operates two abattoirs in Lobatse with a capacity of 800 cattle/day and Francistown with a capacity of 350 cattle/day have a combined capacity to slaughter 300,000 cattle per annum. A third abattoir in Maun has a capacity of 100 cattle per day. Both the Francistown and Maun abattoirs currently only service the local market due to the recent outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in the North East and North West Districts.     

To strengthen beef production support systems and product marketing, Government has embarked on a reduction of excess regulatory burden exercise which has resulted in the current review of BMC’s export monopoly to identify opportunities for liberalization of this sub-sector. Early indications are pointing to China emerging as a major importer of Botswana beef and beef products.
Over the years, the number of cattle supplied to the BMC has however been declining whilst domestic consumption has increased and local butcheries have attracted an increasing number of cattle made available for slaughter. BMC aims to turn the situation around and achieve an annual throughput of 40,000 head at its abattoirs. This plan creates investment opportunities for the beef and cattle farming enterprise.

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